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Thursday, 10 July 2008

Headers and Footers (Tutorial)

You can type your header and footer text directly on the page. Just click on it, and begin typing.


Here are some codes you can use:

- Page filtering
%F - Front Page
%B - Back Page
%O - Odd Pages
%E - Even Pages
%I - Inner Pages (all pages but the front and back)

- Alignment
%L - Align to left
%C - Align to centre (default)
%R - Align to right
%| - Align to left and right, using a single | to split the text

- Miscellaneous

%T - Title (from Main panel)

%S - Sub-Title (from Contents panel)

%A - Author (from Main panel)

%P - Page number
%p - Page number (Roman numerals)
%U - Underline (Header only)


1. %F%U%T%E%L%S%O%R%A
Draws the document title (centred, underlined) on the first page, the sub-title (left-aligned) on the subsequent even pages, and the author (right-aligned) on the subsequent odd pages.

2. %IMy Header by %A
Draws "My Header by [Author]" (centred) on all pages after the first, and before the last. The first and last pages have no header.

3. My %EHeader
Draws "My Header" on even pages, and "My " on all other pages.

4. %|%T|%S
Draws the title left-aligned, and the sub-title right-aligned

5. %FFirst page%FOther pages
Draws "First page" on the first page, and "Other pages" on all other pages. Note that another %F was used to cancel the previous one.

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