K-Pad is a multi-featured notepad / organizer for Windows: print-out pages or booklets of photos, tables, and rich text.More...
This is my support blog, featuring help, tutorials, and comment. Welcome. :-)

Monday, 13 October 2008


- fix: bug fix
- Fix: fix for a much more serious bug
- add: additional feature
- Add: major additional feature
- fut: future feature, being researched or in testing (expect it as an add quite soon)
- Fut: future major feature, being researched or in testing (expect it as an add soon...ish)
- chg: a small change in how the program works
- Chg: a big change in how the program works


Known Issues
- large fonts appear blocky / italicized fonts sometimes clipped (not a problem with printout)
- Header/Footer sizing may need refreshing if using multiple lines (looking for elegant solution)
- Global "replace all" pernickety, and needs more testing (use with caution)
- Non-Lined text: word-wrapping, for words wider than the available width, not yet implemented

July 2k9 - v1.1.9
- Add: List: star ratings (value data range from 0->100)
- Add: Blank: printed lined paper types (lined, squared, graph)
- add: Interface: titlebar now shows currently-loaded filename
- add: Header/Footer: footer overline
- add: Clipping: caption popup menu: set filename or filestem as caption
- add: Printing: booklet fold thickness (hadn't been implemented before despite being in menu!)
- add: Lined: coloured text (and default option to print as black)
- Chg: Header/Footer: non-page-specific Scrap-Pad header/footer now decoded
- chg: List: min column size reduced to 4.5mm (from 7.5mm)
- chg: Thumbnails: timer reset when using cursor keys
- Fix: Interface: fixed multi-core processor-related crashes and locks
- Fix: Images: use one thread not many, fixing various problems with multi-core processors (esp. wrt PNGs)
- fix: Header/Footer: bug when using %| with footer
- fix: Load: fixed problem when loading an autosave or backup of file with full stops within filename stem
- fix: menu width problem with v large filenames

31st October 2k8 - v1.1.8
- Add: List: multiple selection
- Add: List: set default values for each column
- Add: List: copy/paste of tables (via tab-delimited text)
- add: Save/Load: proper transaction code for auto-save
- add: Interface: delete folder from Contents
- add: List: toolbar: show title, add column
- add: List: new icons
- chg: List: menu: add column removed, order menu integrated
- fix: List: Integer column type: zeroes now allowed!

20th October 2k8 - v1.1.7
- Add: Options: change the paper or document type
- add: List: left, right cursor keys act like tabs when at limits of cell being edited
- add: Palette: show/hide button (for tidying away the colour wells)
- add: Dictionary: new words added to default dictionary
- chg: Dictionary: words in uppercase no longer spell-checked
- chg: Dictionary: a joining like "red/blue" now counts as two words, not one - meaning that the spell-check passes it
- chg: List: vertical lines now .25mm (from .35mm)
- fut: Lined: coloured text
- Fix: Lined: occasional crash from repeated paste with virtual cursor on slower PCs
- Fix: List: problem with re-parsing of text, affecting large numbers, to-do
- fix: List: keyboard focus after, e.g. renaming an item in the Contents pane
- fix: List: enter->tab, enter->tab skips a column, if there are > 2 editable columns
- fix: List: column text-wrap sizing was slightly askew on smaller-point fonts (printer/screen DPI issue)
- fix: List: header text character selection via mouse (first page only)
- fix: Interface: tree: scroll offset carried over when renaming two items, one long, one short

13th October 2k8 - v1.1.6
- Add: List: column ordering for number, auto number, currency, percentage, date, yes/no, colour types
- add: List: change column format for date, bool
- add: List: date/time, time, colour column types added
- add: List: list title can now be hidden via right-click menu
- chg: recent file list: icon change to k-pad mini-icon
- chg: menus: checked items now half-highlighted
- Fix: printing: crash following use of %G code
- fix: menus: focus problems at edge

2nd October 2k8 - v1.1.5
- Add: List: new column types: number, row number, auto number (ID), currency, percentage, date, yes/no, todo/done (with strikeout)
- Add: List: cell verification code for numbers, dates, bools
- add: List: column resizing - redux for minimum column size; columns that do not fit will not be displayed
- Fut: Graphics Tablet Support - pressure, rotation, angle
- fix: Squared: testing code for stars disabled (rotating star - not affecting save or printout)
- Fix: Lined: spellchecked/ignored text no longer printed out without any effects
- fix: Lined: SmallCaps vertical misalignment - on printout only
- fix: Lined: last line drawn on page may be invalid
- fix: Thumbnail: Win32 glitch? Certain text and fills not displaying, despite success of function

22nd September 2k8 - v1.1.4
- Add: Select a backup or autosave file in load, and have the option to load the original, or rename
- add: Interface: black border around pages
- chg: Interface: new background colours for clipping & list pages
- chg: Lined: a paragraph's lines can have varying heights
- chg: Lined: different-sized text on a line aligns to the largest text's baseline
- chg: Lined: tab width between 5mm and 25mm, in 5mm multiples, depending on page size (for a minimum of four tabs per page)
- chg: Lined: guidelines appear at the text baseline, not at the bottom of the text
- chg: Lined: if a line contains only superscript/subscript, line height is the same as for the equivalent normal text
- fix: Lined: redo for b, i, u etc
- fix: Lined: virtual caret insertion text to the right of text now deals with tabs correctly
- fix: Lined: subscript now hugs the bottom

10th September 2k8 - v1.1.3 Beta
- Add: List: column creation
- Add: List: row and column moving via drag-and-drop
- add: Printer: for non-duplex printers output, queries user whether they wish to print page-by-page, or all at once
- add: Header/Footer: new code: %g for "Group": the caption of the Contents folder that the page is in
- add: Header/Footer: new code: %G for "Groups": the cumulative caption of the Contents folders that the page is in
- add: Clipping: caption: selection via mouse drag
- add: List: title: selection via mouse drag
- add: List: multi-lined paste
- add: List: column header editing
- add: Lined: find/replace boxes: caret move & selection via mouse down
- add: Squared: TextBox: caret move & selection via mouse down
- chg: Printer: for duplex printer output, and duplex not set, print all at once (not page-by-page)
- chg: Lined: find/replace highlights selection (without the caret)
- chg: List: cell text limit up to 1000 chars
- Fix: Lined: %code paste crash
- Fix: Squared: TextBox: display glitch with newline character
- Fix: Header/Footer/[List items]/[Clipping caption]/[Squared textbox obs]: word-wrap glitches with right, center, split alignment
- fix: Squared: TextBox: default font not italicized
- fix: Squared: TextBox: glitch with multiple carets on backward selection
- fix: List: row navigation via enter key
- fix: List: no blank lines in cell after max number of lines (currently, five) exceeded
- fix: Tree: item being renamed loses focus properly
- fix: Preview: after paste of page node, no preview

27th August 2k8 - v1.1.2 Beta
- Add: Header/Footer/[List items]/[Clipping caption]/[Square textbox obs]/[tree item rename]: undo/redo via Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Shift-Z
- add: Header/Footer/[List items]/[Clipping caption]: caret move via mouse down (and selection via Shift)
- add: Squared: textBox: bold via Ctrl-B (and font dialog)
- add: Squared: textBox: italic via Ctrl-I (and font dialog)
- chg: Header/Footer: code always shown when page not in main pad
- Fix: List/Squared/Header/Footer: same font, different point sizes -> only one point size displayed
- fix: IO: document font size not always saved correctly (related to above)
- fix: Squared: item constraint & sizing problems with home/end/pgup/pgdn
- fix: Squared: TextBox: text aligns properly immediately following a font change

18th August 2k8 - v1.1.1 Beta
- Add: Contents: Folders/Lined/List nodes contain page count in tooltip
- Add: Lined: paragraph bullets (Alt-B cycles five initial types: circle, triangle, star, square, diamond)
- Add: Lined: Clipboard: Copies to HTML, allowing more-complete export to rich text editors which support CF_HTML
- Add: Lined: Clipboard: Reads from HTML: b, i, u, s, p, br, sub, sup & text codes (also PBG-defined =double underline, =smallcaps)
- add: Contents: toolbar for adding new folder, lined paper, clipping, squared paper, blank paper, list or album
- add: Lined: Clipboard: copies plain text using \r\n at end of lines (not just \n), so that NotePad etc have no problems
- add: Lined: Clipboard: copy/cut/paste/pasteHTML options added to right-click context menu
- add: Lined: undo/redo for paragraph settings
- add: Contents: add folder immediately puts item into rename mode
- add: Interface: zoom in/out via keyboard (F3/F4) for lined paper, clipping, squared paper, blank paper, list
- add: Interface: maximize/restore button shows restore image on max-screen
- add: Interface: tooltip for default/zoom/pan button
- chg: Contents: improved rules for drag and drop: dropping an item onto a folder will then be a child of folder, unless it already is (in which case, it drops above)
- chg: Save As: defaults to directory of currently-loaded file
- fix: Tree: mouse selection when text is scrolled
- fix: Lined: underlining goes into the right margin if word-wrap
- fix: Lined: caret disappears to right of word-wrap paragraph when using arrow keys
- fix: Lined: Clipboard: pasted text appears at virtual cursor
- fix: Default Options: Save: default path - change immediate (rather than on reload)
- fix: Preview: moving new items from scrap-pad or waste bin to main pad will generate thumbnails

6th August 2k8 - v1.1 Beta 1
- Add: Micro (one-eighth-size) and Nano (one-sixteenth-size) booklets
- Add: Data compression
- Add: Default dictionary: proper names, inc. capitals, countries, languages, UK towns, counties, states, big US cities
- Add: Copy/Paste of individual tree nodes across .kpd files (n.b. Caution when copying Squared pages to a smaller booklet type)
- add: Squared: striped boxes: new style (black divider lines)
- add: Default Options: booklet fold thickness
- add: Default Options: Save: default path
- add: Print to File Options: path, dpi, jpeg quality
- add: Tree: mouse selection support for item text editing
- add: Clipboard: ANSI copying in addition to Unicode; ANSI pasting when ANSI (not Unicode) in Clipboard; clearClipboard fix
- Chg: Options: reorganization of default options, and in settings.xml
- chg: Lined: Backspace at a virtual cursor works the same as End
- chg: Recent File List: limited to ten items
- Fut: Lined: support for paragraph bullets, borders, margins, padding and fills
- Fix: Squared: z-ordering saved properly
- Fix: Images: very large images might not print (multithreading issue)
- fix: Lined: caret problem at end of line when justification centre or right (also affecting hit-testing)
- fix: Lined: global find/replace fails when first word is a match
- fix: Squared: striped boxes saved as circles
- fix: Thumbnails: occasionally destroyed if loading from one doc to another, with a different default paper size
- fix: Header/Footer: alignment not reset after new
- fix: Options: changing a margin twice to something out-of-bounds, e.g. 999, causes the text to stick
- fix: Window: taskbar minimize-toggle works properly

21st July 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 10
- add: Clipping: status message for when an image fails to load
- add: Save/Load: remember current directory
- add: Lined: Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End to navigate to top and bottom respectively (& works with Shift)
- chg: Load: default directory set to My Documents folder
- Fix: Interface: problems relating to missing or corrupted settings.xml
- Fix: Images: gif 87a-related crash
- fix: Lined: paragraph tail whitespace should not generate a new line
- fix: Lined: wrapped dialogue text should not have any additional whitespace overhang
- fix: Lined: mouse tracking between pages
- fix: Lined: slight glitch in selection painting at the bottom of a page
- fix: Lined: improved superscript/subscript size & positioning
- fix: Clipping: handle printing when image error
- fix: Clipping: thumbnail when image error
- fix: Clipping: thumbnail update after manual image unload
- fix: Save As: dialogue box does not appear when suggested filename has two full stops

9th July 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 9
- add: Printer: now queries if you are printing a booklet with a duplex printer, and you have not selected duplex printing
- add: Printer: booklet pages listed in print job name
- add: Header/Footer: %| for Split Justification, e.g. %|One|Two will display "One" left-aligned, and "Two" right-aligned
- add: Header/Footer: %B tag for back page
- add: Squared: text box styles now include vertical alignment
- add: Lined: change font (select and right click, then select "Font..." from menu)
- chg: Header/Footer: %I tag refers to inner pages: any page which is neither the front page nor the back page
- chg: Lined: dictionary "ignore all" list now global across all Lined page collections
- chg: Font: font size limit improved
- chg: thumbnails: generated entirely in memory; no longer using HDD
- Fix: crash-on-load Vista bug, when run from Windows drive
- Fix: Printer: duplex and orientation correction code now working properly
- Fix: Printer/Thumbnail: font size and alignment issues
- Fix: Lined: occasions when the total number of pages is not synched with the thumbnails
- fix: Lined: Redo chain not destroyed after Undo+[Something New]
- fix: Lined: Unrecognized font bug
- fix: Save: bug when a filename already contained a full stop, .kpd was not added
- fix: Squared: loading a textbox ob loses its colours (fallout from 2k8-06-16 chg)
- fix: Squared: image loading occasionally fails to display
- fix: Squared: selecting transparent background for an image fails
- fix: Printer: default printer test code
- fix: Tooltips: display on load even if settings set to off
- fix: Thumbnails: more performance issues
- fix: Contents: Add Album From Files fails if only one file selected

25th June 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 8
- add: Lined: caret/selection does not display if module does not have keyboard focus; then, one click to set focus
- add: Lined/List: clicking on a thumbnail page will move the text to that page
- add: Lined/List: selecting a different Lined/List node will return the view to the caret
- chg: Thumbnail: auto-generate requires at least 5 seconds of inactivity
- chg: Contents: selecting an item shifts the keyboard focus to the module
- Fix: Saving: auto-save for modules had been interfering with global auto-save, leading to data loss
- fix: Lined: removed upper limit on arrow up/down for virtual cursor
- fix: Lined: bug in home/end for multi-line selection
- fix: Lined: bug in negative selection i/o
- fix: Lined: occasionally, loading would lose thumbnails
- fix: Lined: page up/down tweak
- fix: List: page count not reset after adding a new list from a multi-page list
- fix: Save box: slight bug with colon being replaced with dash
- fix: Printing: some crash protection for when there are no printers set up

16th June 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 7
- Add: Lined: paragraph alignment via Alt+l,c,r,j,d (j=full justification, d=default)
- chg: Squared: TextBox created with black text on transparent background, independent of the current palette selection
- add: Clipping: rotation buttons now act as toggles
- chg: Contents: mouse-down on a page item will load the equivalent page (rather than waiting for mouse-up)
- Fix: Printing: margins not transferred properly for Lined & List
- Fix: Incomplete save when a folder was closed!
- Fix: Threading: improvements (hopefully resolving certain on-start and on-exit crashes)
- Fix: Font zoom-out clarification
- fix: Printing: bug in page range code (commas ignored)
- fix: Main Tree: changing setting (e.g. font), followed by a keystroke caused crash

11th June 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 6
- fix: Squared: toolbar refreshes properly after a mode change
- fix: Squared: polygons and stars: no delay on foreground colour change
- chg: Contents: slight change to moving rules, for when the first item in a branch is a folder
- fix: Credits: slight closing graphics glitch
- fix: Credits: reoponing once closed caused crash
- fix: Preview: clicking on thumbnail relating to first node after "Pad" now works

9th June 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 5
- Add: Preview: clicking on thumbnail loads relevant node
- add: Thumbnails: mix of old and new to thumbnails (auto-generate only after at least 1 second of inactivity)
- add: List: saving/loading of alternate background colour
- fix: Tree: clicking on icon as well as text will change the node
- fix: Squared: right-dragging a text-box's anchor would cause it to disappear
- fix: Lined: serious bug introduced in Beta 4 (oops!)
- fut: More-adaptable colour-saving groundwork; will apply to general, clipping, lined, and lists

4th June 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 4
- Add: Lined: local Replace, Replace All; global Find, Replace, Replace All
- Add: Auto-Save, Auto-Backup options and implementations
- add: Refresh thumbnail toolbar button (replacing the auto-refresh feature, which causes slowdowns on older PCs)
- add: List: Palette linked in to background colour (global change, for now)
- Fix: load from Explorer only generates New, if K-Pad not already open
- fix: Clipping: changing filters now sets unsaved flag
- fix: Menu: bug whereby certain items once checked would not uncheck
- fix: onClose: occasional crash
- fix: save file path merged with name

26th May 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 3
- add: Add Album now includes txt files
- Fix: Date/Time module had been adding at least half a second of load/save time per module!!!
- fix: Add Album from Files missing backslash
- fix: crash to do with text-loading from Explorer

22nd May 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 2
- Add: Load image/text file from Explorer ("Open With->K-Pad")
- Add: Preview: mode buttons and implementation for non-book modes
- add: List: insert row
- add: Header/Footer: Roman numerals in page numbering (%p)
- Fix: thumbnail crash (Test-Pad/Waste-Bin)
- fix: deleted clipping no longer regenerates
- Fut: link List<->Lined
- fut: (disabled for now) List: insert/remove column
- fut: Text (non-Lined): mouse character selection

16th May 2k8 - v1.0 Beta 1
- initial beta test version

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